Survey for grad school – its really short!

December 8, 2008

1. Who do you believe has more influence on adolescents (Ages 12 – 17)

a.  Parents

b.  Peers

2. Are you a parent? (not necessary that you be a parent – just curious)

a.  Yes

b.  No

3. Have you ever parented a teenager? If so, please answer below. If not, please skip to Question #6.

a.  1 – 2

b.  3 – 4

c.  5 or greater

5. What is their gender?

a.  Female

b.  Male

c.  Both

6.  Are you male/female?

a.  Female

b.  Male

Any interest in a paper napkin swap???

August 19, 2008

I’m not talking about Scott paper napkins; I’m talking about the pretty ones you use for entertaining or for my purposes – making stuff. Check out Beryl Taylor’s site. My friend, Barbara, made this in one of Beryl’s classes this past June and now I am the happy recipient. Barbara gave it to me for a birthday gift…I’m so lucky.

Birthday Gift

Birthday Gift

Today I went out at lunch to mail my SS gift (MQR: ) today…I was late in mailing it because I could not find a box that it would fit in. There was a box at work that has since been modified to fit. Afterwards I went to Home Goods. That store is dangerous. It is a good thing my home is small and all already has too much stuff in it. There were these lovely paper napkins which are used to make this project. Barbara loaned me her copy of Beryl’s book and sometime tonight I will read the directions.

Now to the swap. If anyone is interested in swapping paper napkins, I would like to swap out 15 of mine. As you can see I have a small collection. Each pack contains 20 napkins and I need to keep several or my own projects and in case mistakes are made. Post a comment to let me know if you are interested! Details will come later.

Oh, check out this site…such a cute bag give away.  Bonnie is so generous:


San Diego, CA

August 19, 2008

A couple of weeks ago my boys and went to San Diego for vacation and a little bit of working on my part.  Actually that is the reason for the trip, business.  We did not have definite plans for vacation this summer other than to go to my mother’s down by LBI.  This business trip came along and provided an opportunity for my family to go to San Diego.   The Wild Animal Park has photo safaris – one is an Asain caravan and the other is African.  We chose the African as we would be able to feed the girafe!  How cool is that?! 

PJ, Austin and their new friend

PJ, Austin and their new friend


My boys

My boys

We walked and walked and had a great time.  The Zoo, Wild Animal Park and Sea World!  We toured the Midway and went to the sea port.  The weather was fabulous each and every day.  Not much more could have made this trip better.
I had planned to go to Rosie’s Calico Cupboard but it was too far from the hotel and taxis were quite expensive. 
Enough for today.

Another Blog Contest!

August 16, 2008

Have a look at this wonder site…see a cute as can be baby!!  Polka Dots & Rick Rack (what a cute name)

Another Contest!! YAHOO!

August 11, 2008

Check out Carla blog and see her free form scarves…(wait a minute…if you go to her blog that means you will sign up and less my chance of ‘winning’!? Oh no! This poses a dilemma. Oh well…go visit her site – she does fabulous work. You will not be sorry and best of luck.

Carlas Blog

More later…


Nudge, Nudge…and a link to a contest

August 11, 2008

I’ve been nudged to post to my blog.  Can’t say that I am doing very well with the blog; however, I have a little time now.  My course work is complete and I passed Statistics with a B+.  Would have loved the A but oh well I should not complain.  Soon enough my GPA will be posted and I will be able to send my final transcript onto Rutgers for my MSW.  It ‘should’ have been there months ago but that’s hard to when you finish undergrad work on July 26th.  A huge milestone has been obtained and I am proud of myself for finishing.  Yet at the same time I believe I’m disappointed in me because I it takes so much time away from my kids.  We used to do more together and heck I would be able to quilt more often as well.  Choices…not always easy even when you know it took the right path.

I was quilting this weekend!  First a glass of wine was necessary…LOL!!  It has been a while and I do not have pics yet to show.  It is coming along nicely considering my lack of practice.  Thanks to my friends for their quilting ideas.

Also had a sewing day yesterday with my friend, Marlene.  It was a good day.  Marlene and I have known each other for about 9 years.  We met when we both worked at JoAnn Fabrics part time.  Marlene knows how to sew as this is what she know does for money.  Anything from curtains to costumes for theaters and dance studios.  I knew how to quilt and Marlene was interested so I offered to teach her.  We’ve been friends and doing all sorts of fiber work since then.  Yesterday Marlene worked on some charity quilts for a local orphanage and I worked on a couple of projects…knitting the same pair of socks that have been on the needles way too long, picking out blocks for a row quilt project with the guild starting in September and lastly the Double Wedding Ring that Marlene and I each started doing one at the beginning of the year or somewhere thereabouts.

Mine DWR is huge, of course, nothing small for me.  Marlene’s is a wall hanging as she just wanted to try it out.  I had grand plans for mine but alas my mixed regular DWR and Wedding Star has changed directions.  The stars did not turn out the way I wanted and took way too long to execute so they are nixed.  It will still be a gorgeous quilt once it is complete.

My boys and I did some cleaning out of ‘extra’ furniture in the house and I did went through textbooks to see if I could sell them somewhere or give them to the community hall for their reading library.  I hate to throw things away.

Oh that reminds me I prepared my fabrics and embellishments for the inchies project on MQR.  I’d write more but work (my paying job) calls…more later.

Oh the link to a contest….click here for a cool give away:

Good luck!

The Road Trip of Your Life

July 9, 2008
The Road Trip of Your Life
You see life as precious and special. Heritage and family are very important to you.Your life is quite hectic. You try to slow down when you can, but it’s not easy!

You are all about risk and randomness in your life. You travel off the beaten path… in fact, you’re often the one carving the way!

You tend to be a workaholic. You overwork yourself without ever realizing it and sometimes suffer the consequences later.

In another life, you could have been a professional athlete. You have a natural knack for competitions.

Wow – it’s been a whirlwind….

June 14, 2008

The last couple of weeks have just been crazied.  It all started with the expectation of a business trip.  With the two boys needing someone to look after them while I’m away, making arrangements for Austin to get to and from soccer practice, making sure PJ studies for his final exams while I’m away and making sure the sitter(s) know what each boy is allowed and not allowed to is tough enough.  Add to that a trip to the emergency room.

Austin is my athletically gifted child…and also the one who gets hurt the most!  It is not always on the playing field either.  It seems to be worse just before or on the day that I go away that Austin gets sick, needs to go to the doctor or to the emergency room.  If it only happened once, I could chalk it up to coincidence…but that is not the way it happens around here!  This will be the 2nd time I’ve needed to take to him to the ER within 12 hours of my boarding a plan.  He’s been to the doctor numerous times the day before and during my trip which only makes it worse for my mom.  My mom is not known for her patience…I guess I get that from her….anyway I’ve gotten calls while on the runway saying that he is sick or something sort of ailment has found him, and messages stating that something happened at the daycare as soon as I’ve turned the cell on after the flight.  Coincidence is not what’s going on here….it’s just plain Austin being Austin.

This time he fell off (or pushed as he likes to say) the top of the slide.  Either way, his arm (inside of elbow) was red, soar and somewhat swollen.  Off to the ER to get it checked out and no sooner do we get the x-rays taken that he is laying on the bed with BOTH arms raised over and behind his head like he is relaxation mode.  UH…if you are able to bend your elbow like that…why are we here???? I ask?  Oh, then the pain comes back and he moans and groans how much it hurts!  Ok – well better to get it checked out and be sure I say.  I only had about 6 billion other MOM things to do at home…so spending 2.5 hours at the ER was not in the plan.

Oh, I’m sure I’ve mentioned that I’m taking Statistics.  I’m a week behind with handing in an assignment BEFORE I leave for a 5 day business trip.  Come to find out that I have no free time at all during the trip except starting at 10 p.m. or before 6 a.m.  I had 2 hours only by chance and I quickly made arrangements for a co-worker to help me out.  She did and I was able to work out a couple of questions.

Here’s the kicker for this whole trip…I did not realize that Austin’s school was CLOSED on Friday…the day my mother was supposed to go home as she had plans.  This was not good at all…SERIOUSLY NOT GOOD.  My mom would hold this over my head for an eternity plus blab it to all my sisters and brothers how inconsiderate I am.  So, much stress later I pleaded with one of Austin’s friend’s moms to have the boys have a play date on THURSDAY for Friday.

So, it all worked out in the end.  Mom got to leave, my assignment was turned in a week and a half late and Austin had a play date Friday afternoon.   However, the stress of it all is a bit much.

The best part of the last couple of weeks was when my boss said we could skip our last meeting and catch an earlier flight home.  This was fantastic news as Austin was making his cross over in Webelos!  I made it home in time to spend some alone time with PJ to catch up with his week and then we headed over to the celebration!

Life is good!


New to blogging…

May 26, 2008

Hello All,

Sometime ago I created my blog site but then promptly forgot about. I was creading on MQResources about Illo Challenge that Carla Barrett posted. A few others have jumped into the ring and wanted to create a blog to post their illos. This prompted me to get back over here and give it a go.

Quite honestly I’m exhausted and am avoiding doing homework (Statistics – UGH!). I do not like the font of in my header and I would prefer to change the name of my blog all together. That will have to wait for another day. Perhaps I will write to Carla and ask for assistance – She’s LOVES fonts and recently shared a site for free fonts – I like free things!

My youngest son and I went to a football fund raising dance tonight for 6-graders. Mind you my boys are in 3rd and 9th grades. I signed up to help with fundraising and this was the first event for the 2008 football year. It was actually fun. We heard a great deal of music I typically do not listen to and watch the boys and girls huddle together in separate areas for a good part of the night. Then the co-mingling started and it seemed like more fun for everyone. There was only one really CLOSE slow dance between one boy and girl…the chapperones were watching carefully to see if we need to ‘step’ in…but no sooner was the song over and the two of them separated acting as if it was no big deal at all. PHEW!

Bye for now,


Long Weekend….

May 26, 2008

It seems that this weekend went both slow and fast at varying times. Waiting for the parade to start for example took forever. Having a little time to myself without the kids wanting something went too quickly. Now having a full sink of dishes to do…well that’s another story.

I gardened this weekend and enjoyed every moment of it. Having dirt going through my hands seems to create calming sensation. Now if only the flowers would grow into and over their pots more quickly! So many things on my list did not get accomplished at all – like that quilt that is long over due. All of the laundry did not get put away and there is more in the washer and dryer. I’d like to say tomorrow is another day but I have a meeting tomorrow night for football. Yes, that’s right football season is really never over. This year I volunteered to be co-chair of fundraisers. Friday night was the first dance for the 6th graders and it was fun but tiring on the feet. Next time sneakers or flats will be worn!

My friend in Washington sent me some blueberry bushes and those are all potted and in the box was the extended base she makes for the Hinterberg V17 that we both own. I’m heading upstairs to install it – it shouldn’t take too long.

A company in our building at work recently moved out and left behind some chairs and furniture. I took one nice chair as my new sewing table chair – it does so many things (up, down, back moves forward, rocks all the way or only the back part will rock if you want) and a two-drawer filing cabinet. My oldest just looks at me as if to say – where the heck is all this going? I don’t know just help me get in the house. Both the chair and the cabinet are in the studio/attic which is finished with heat and everything. It’s wonderful up there. Now after I install the extended base side supports to the base of the machine, I will tackle putting the drawers back in the cabinet and that’s probably it for the day.

More reading about Experimental Psychology and Statistics for me! So far, stats is not as bad as I thought it would be but it isn’t over yet.

Have a good one.
